This little gentleman, I followed him from the Préfecture to the train station, a lone man, 74 years old, with a communist flag. Neither protective glasses nor a mask, just the convictions of a little good-natured man.
He was alone, without anyone, who shouts his first convictions at the front and was the last to leave, standing straight like a 74-year-old man exhausted by life. Alone to make demands and shout his anger not for himself – he knows: what can 74 years old people expect? – but for me, for you, for them, for his children, his grandchildren, but not for himself anymore…
What a funny man he is!! He shouted at me to let go of him! “It’s not because it wasn’t a Saturday that we have to go backwards!!! No, but what do you want!!!!”
Many should take him as an example. This guy is my idol of May 1st – well done grandpa, You’re the boss!! Clap clap clap!!! So even having receiving a mouthful, I said that we leave no one behind, whatever happens.
I will have an eye on you, Sir!